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Our Story

Our Story

Donum Dei Classical Academy’s beginnings are deeply rooted in prayer. In the early part of 2018, a group of faithful believers gathered and sought the Lord in prayer, asking God to establish an education option within the city of San Francisco that would be academically rigorous and spiritually robust. Through our time together, four guiding areas emerged and our team of founding partners worked tirelessly to join in the work of these prayers. From the smallest to the largest of details, God’s hand began to move in powerful ways.

We asked for Families.

Would God bring families to partner with us in providing a classical Christian education that would develop the whole child?


God answered.

We had 21 families enroll their 39 children at Donum Dei at the beginning of our inaugural year.

We asked for Faculty.

Would God provide us with faculty to serve as our living curriculum, exemplifying patience in the various learning stages?


God answered.

We established a passionate and rigorous faculty team who encourage student development both through academics and culture.

We asked for Funding.

Would God help us establish the necessary funds to bring this vision to life? 


God answered.

We developed partnerships with families and donors that enabled us to establish a classical Christian preparatory academy in San Francisco.

We asked for a Facility.

Would God lead us to a facility from which this embodied education could go forth?


God answered.

We began a meaningful partnership with a church with over 100 years of history in the city of San Francisco and secured spacious facilities for our growing community. Armed with sheer determination, ample cleaning supplies, and innovative thinking, our dream team of workers and volunteers renovated and beautified our campus in under two weeks.

Donum Dei, Latin for gift of God, is the culmination of these prayers and God’s provision, serving as a continual reminder of God’s gracious and generous activity in our midst.

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