Grammar School Highlight from Mrs. Josie Shaw
Every Thursday I have the JOY of teaching Art History to all the Grammar school classes. Each week we learn about a different period of Art on our timeline and we seek to 'have a go' ourselves at using different techniques and styles that the artists used at this time.
This week I introduced the students to 'Impressionism' and the artists who were famous for this rapid style of painting as they sought to capture fleeting moments in nature. We looked at paintings by Monet, Pissaro and Renoir and how at this time more female Artists like Moisot and Cassatt were starting to become more well-known. This pleased many of the students who had been concerned that we have not learnt about many female Artists!
We also looked at the work of Auguste Rodin who became famous around this time. We talked about how his sculptures were the first to be considered works of Art. The students were given the opportunity to create a sculpture out of clay using various different tools. It was wonderful to see them benefiting from the relaxing experience of manipulating clay and moulding it into their own creations.
Upper School Highlight from Mrs. Joni Toombs

This week in Biology, we wrapped up our unit on genetics, and came to find that it wasn't luck that Gregor Mendel uncovered what he did, but God's providence as the Creator of all things. We've often heard the scripture from Psalm 139 that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," and from Luke 12 that "even the hairs on our heads are numbered," and this knowledge helps us feel known deeply by our Father. Our Logic II class came to realize through our genetics unit, that God's way of making us fearfully and wonderfully can be seen in every gene in our chromosomes, and those genes, determine the color of every numbered hair on our heads.