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Donum Dei

Academy Highlights | Session IV, Week 8

Updated: May 21, 2021

Upper School Highlight | Mrs. Maggie Ainsworth

We just finished our Literature Unit on Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls this week. This book, with its rural setting and love between a boy and his dogs, was a favorite of many of the Pre-Logic students. One of the many projects we incoporated into our reading of this book was a newspaper article. The plot of the story climaxes in a County-Wide Coon (that is, Racoon) Hunt where our protagonist, Billy, and his dogs take home the gold cup.

Students took on the role of a reporter who attended the event and is reporting on all the action. With titles like, "Coon Hunter Sensation" and "Coons for the Cup!" students brought the event to life with their action-packed articles. The articles included original illustrations and some students even created ads specific to the time-period and genre. Don't you wish you could visit Bob's Bait & Tackle deep in the heart of the Ozarks or get a pair of Calico Jeans for $4.99 ("trusted by all the best coon-hunters!")? Students completed this project by practicing their elocution and presentation skills for the whole class!

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